When we are creative we are literally connecting with Source.
Creativity connects us with who we are on a fundamental level. By returning us to our essential nature beyond personal problems that are nuanced by conditioned patterns.
It’s why when we lose our sense of self in something that takes a singularity of focus we dissolve into something greater then ourselves. It’s what’s known as being in the flow.
Creativity taps us into a bigger picture that is beyond our personality.
Creativity enables us to honour our vulnerabilities as a gateway to our wholeness. Yet, first… we must dare show up, warts and all.
We are invited to move towards our vulnerability. To allow ourselves the courage to move and stretch into love beyond the notion of a limited self.
This is where nature is of profound support because nature accepts us just the way we are. Without condition.
This is where walking barefoot, listening to the elements, feeling with our bodies, and diving into the subtleties that inform us serve to create art that reminds us of exactly why we are here.