We are never exiled from life’s banquet

For we were never unwelcome

Unresolved karmic patterns (stress and trauma) are unraveled through our unfolding presence

Neither pain nor sorrow break our Essence

For what illuminates from the core makes the temple of the body heaven

It is not about controlling and putting an end discomfort

But to find our symphony and stillness within the dance

This we shall call life

In this eternal spring that lives in all phenomena

We may experience a connection beyond comprehension

Time, space, particle and wave

All are permeable, malleable

Moving mediums within the evolution of consciousness

Arising and passing on this cosmic screen

Every moment perpetually anew

Yet ancient upon this ground of Essence

We are not limited to a destination

Nor some process or technique

Life’s magic and mystery is in everything

In this here and now

Leap in Faith
Mixed media on wood
Original available click to purchase