Some people avoid the topic of sex and sexuality as a way to maintain a sense of social etiquette. What benefit is there in avoiding a part of life that created every single species on earth and without which our presence would never have occurred?

Sex and sexuality are undoubtedly powerful factors in determining effective and passionate living in a world where our complete participation impacts more than our marginal engagement. Take for instance the previous Pope Benedict, Joseph Ratzinger who apparently resigned from his position around sex claims made against him (check this website for the story). What were the underlying precursors for a person elected by the people to represent a spiritual direction and then resign from a position due to sex and sexuality?

Whatever the issue amongst humans (I say humans because animals don’t have hang ups around sexuality) we have created an atmosphere where we have chosen sexual repression over sexual empowerment. If sexual repression were not a naturally dominant trait within the collective human psyche I doubt that pornography would have such an active presence on the internet.

What is it in the human condition that attempts to suppress how humans feel sensually and wether we choose to express the reality of our sexual selves? Is it possible that judgments and past conditioning get in the way of what is and isn’t appropriate sexual behaviour?

I believe that as we harness our sexual energy coursing through the body in a constructive and positively affirming way we can feel inspired and enlivened. Rather than doubting and questioning the sensations of arousal and suppressing the energy, we can constructively acknowledge it’s existence and the sensations. Welcoming the feelings home, within the body. We can be at ease with the presence of sensuality.

The idea of wrong or right is determined usually by our beliefs and the culture in which we live. Our choices and preferences in sex will reflect in our body language and will create a response in our lover. What defines the quality of our sexual experiences can be measured by our presence.

So what is healthy and constructive in sex and sexuality? Do we want to be uncomfortable around sexuality or empowered?

In my experience when I give up shame and guilt around sex and sexuality, I recognise they are an organic part of life and release any unnecessary associated stories about sex.

Underlying the discomfort that some people carry around sex and sexuality is often connected to fear. Which if, instead, it was replaced with non-judgmental acceptance, we would have an entirely different perspective. From that space we could accept completely the sensual experience of living within our bodies and relate to others comfortably and effectively.

Harnessing sexual power constructively is a field that some people have either begun to harness, are harnessing or are about to harness.

Some people report that through harnessing sexual energy- either through the practise of tantra or sexual kung-fu – they have begun to respond to life in a way where their energy levels have exceeded beyond the levels they had previously imagined possible. Creative prowess is expanded beyond imagination. Healing capacities become heightened as well as the capacity for inspired effective activity.

So what is happening whilst harnessing sexual energy? What are Tantra , Taoist sexual practises and kama sutra really all about? It’s possible that harnessing sexual energy is about activating constructive passion, an energy that moves through all living things. According to the theory of William Reich there is an energy that moves through all living things known as Orgone Energy (derived from the word orgasm). This according to the Wikipedia is “a form of life-energy at work within living organisms, expressing itself as emotion and sexuality, but also directly observable in the microscope as a bluish-glowing field around living blood cells and other substances.”

So if sex and sexuality carries such potent energy would we not benefit in harnessing this energy within ourselves in a constructive and empowering way? Perhaps that is why practises were developed so that these energies that played a vital role in life could be put to use in a helpful ways. Maybe that’s where the term making love comes from.

When it comes to creativity most people report that sex and creativity are synchronous. I believe that harnessing the power of sexuality and tapping into it’s energy and using it productively and effectively creates healthy relationships.

So how do we bring a healthy sense of sensuality into our life so that we are both productive and creative? I feel this begins with acknowledging our sensations in our bodies first. By beginning with what each and every sensation we feel as physical beings, whatever these are. And responding to them in a way that is conscious. Making decisions that are educated and inspired rather than automated and unconscious.


Jhana is a published author and illustrator. He draws on ancient wisdom and dreaming that reveal the bridge between consciousness and creativity. Discoveries of the healing capacities carried in painting, yoga, massage, meditation and art therapy inform his practise. He has taught, mentored and exhibited in India, America, Germany and Australia over the past 20 years.