
Funny thing is the more we act on guidance the more we strengthen the pathway for these messages to come through. It’s like once we start writing down our dreams, we dream more. Or once we buy a car we like, we start seeing it everywhere. Similarly, once we are available to that source through which synchronicity flows into our life a magical power is awakened.
We can let go of struggle. That ancient part of the brain linked to our ancestral ties to the animal kingdom which has it’s roots in survival first and foremost begins to shift and mae way for the next stage. We truly begin to let go. Yet we still need to act on those signals that on a gut level ring true. We are tapping into that frequency that is beyond the mind. Most of this work occurs behind the scenes in any venture we undertake.

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Illusion, Separation and the Unknown

Most people would rather job security than experience exploring the unknown. Though many of us are changing. If you are reading this blog chances are that you trust that you are being provided for or better yet, you know you are being provided for. You know who you are beyond your job description and you explore this beyond the external framework of your life. You sit in the empty silent spaces without needing to be praised for your efforts. You enter into any situation and do what needs to be done without needing acknowledgement for your achievements. It’s the space that gives rise to who you really are where the conversation is one of stillness exploring itself and the world of creation.

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Fear and Alignment

If we look here at the panic cycle in the diagram, we observe that each stage escalates in anxiety which drives the self protective mechanism based on an interpretation of reality appearing a certain way. If you have heard of the acronym F-alse E-vidence A-ppearing R-eal, it would serve us well here to note that once we are in a state of panic we are amplifying internal perceptions and seeking reinforcement of them externally. For example I am in a relationship and I am jealous all the time and desperate not to lose my partner. I am so possessive because my fear causes me to not trust my lover. She finds me so self absorbed and unattractive because I can’t trust. I unconsciously search for ways to prove my fears which eventually manifest.

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Let’s say John is sleeping with Jane. Jane likes to pull the blankets over her but doesn’t realise that in her sleep she leaves John without any covers and he gets cold. He thinks its kind of cute but then when it happens every night he starts getting annoyed. But he never tells her. Then it starts eating away at him. Something small starts to grow into a an issue that makes it difficult to tell Jane how he really feels. What if John wasn’t concerned with how Jane might respond? If he were able to share how he felt and simply tell Jane the facts he would be authentically sharing. If he told her how he felt in response to the recurring events the possibility of a deepening relationship between them would be likely.

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Just imagine you’re listening to someone telling you about the dramas of their life, this person has become so involved in it that they have forgotten to check to see if you are actually listening or even interested. They don’t actually care anymore because they are so engrossed in the story. You notice that rather than a dialogue the person has no intention of entering you anymore into the conversation. It has become about them talking AT you. I noticed this today, it was happening for me, but it was my mind that was doing this. It was as though my mind was talking AT me.

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So in creativity what happens when we bring the negatives and the positives together? We build contrast. It’s as though like the movie the Dark Crystal the two forces initially seem to oppose each other like the forces of a magnet. They repel each other and yet at the same time are in synchronicity. This synchronicity is occurring because the negative and positive fields are part of the one whole entity. The north and south poles are part of the one same planet working together to create a living symbiosis.

Contrast is achieved in this way. Without which we would not have levity. Integration is therefore required exploration. It is needed to embody boldness, confidence, vulnerability, passion, weakness and all the qualities with the full spectrum of experience. Without which creative work will lack significant presence.

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Emotional Potency and Creativity

So what happened to our humanity to get to a point where our emotional functioning is socially sanctioned to a few limited emotions? The healthy child who expresses her emotions must surely be supported and heard.
The adult who is grieving the loss of her loved one must surely gain access to the depth of her heart and soul without being limited to a few ‘comfortable’ emotions.

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Resurrection of the Creative Soul

Many artists report of being touched by something akin to Creator as they move beyond themselves and cross over into the ‘zone’. It’s that moment when the identity has died like Christ on the cross and the greater self has been born and awakened to it’s own divinity. But why do it? What purpose does it serve? Will it put food on the table? Will it help me take out the trash? Will it support my children? Will it clothe them? There are no guarantees. In a world where our culture is gripped by functional values you would be forgiven for doubting your creativity.

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