The assumption that we are the only one’s undergoing challenge, feeling isolated, overwhelmed and beyond our comfort zone can come up. Especially when we have committed to changing our lives and living fully. We can feel alone even, lost at times. Passing through feelings and beliefs that are at times gut wrenching, making us feel as though we are sailing vast seas of endless treachery. We may think, will there ever be a light at the end of the tunnel.
Marianne Williamson writes “It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”
When the calling stirs from deep inside, an alchemical transformation is occurring. Where base metals are being turned into gold. Where the lotus arises out of the proverbial mud of our soul. Where the compost of our very lives becomes pertinent fuel for complete evolution. It’s at these times the darkness enables us to see the light of our own selves. That we are our very own Angel we have been searching for. Our doubts and insecurities finally reveal what we truly desire in life and what no longer serves our purpose. It’s at this time our actions, intentions and thoughts come into alignment. We are no longer sitting on the sidelines waiting and praying for a change. We become the change.
Jhana is a published author and illustrator. He draws on ancient wisdom and dreaming that reveal the bridge between consciousness and creativity. Discoveries of the healing capacities carried in painting, yoga, massage, meditation and art therapy inform his practise. He has taught, mentored and exhibited in India, America, Germany and Australia over the past 20 years.