Today I was drawn to question, how can I be of service to create a positive impact in this world?

In all truth and honesty, I am not interested in appearing busy, (something so fashionable in society), my longing is for a soul satisfying congruence with values that nourish life.

To explore this, I dived deeper. I gazed beyond blinkers I felt upon my vision.

I became aware, it doesn’t matter when the things that do not nourish me fall away.

What matters most is quality of presence.

I notice it’s presence that impacts this world. My presence is true wealth, it’s the origin of health and it is truly a blessing. From here I am informed of actions that matter most to life.

As I am a work in progress, I’ve often found some excuses for why I can’t be present.

Yet, the irony is each moment is already beautiful. Full of opportunities, full of blessings.

Celebrating the juiciness, the delicious beauty of each breath, timeless and eternal is a spiritual practice.

This is why art speaks volumes. Because art that arises from the soul, is palpable.

Such art sparks the spirit.  It is unlike anything else that has not been done with the same depth and reverence that comes with the quality of presence that nourishes the spirit.