The practice of resourcing ourselves is pivotal to developing resilience and following through on what we love.

So what exactly do you do to resource yourself? How do you transform the impacts of stress and overwhelm during uncomfortable times and change any inherited ancestral lineages of fear, avoidance, distraction and addiction?

When we have global industries capitalising on people’s weaknesses is it possible to interrupt unhealthy patterns and unhealthy habitual ways of living?

I’ve been asking these question myself so much this past year and applying everything I know that works and dropping as much of what doesn’t as I can.

Honestly 2020 has been an intense year for most people I know. What’s enabled me to stay open and to keep going and be receptive as much as possible to the magic and mystery of life has been how I have been resourcing myself.

Good food, meditation, deep listening to nature, chi-kung, yoga, being in service, self compassion -especially with my shadow and doing what gives me joy has been my saving grace.

What evolves is a growing awareness that allows me to not make the changes in life around the world wrong. At times this is one of the hardest patterns to break. To give up tired old stories, triggers and patterns that make me resist life in one big ball of tension and anxiety. Ughhh… that’s just ugly if you ask me.

Awareness is what grows as I resource myself and create the necessary gap where something new emerges that allows the shifts to occur that are needed. This is the process of evolution.

This gap is what interrupts the patterns of unresolved pain which can get passed on from generation to generation if we don’t heal them.

It enables the dissolution of trauma within our body where they show up as sensations. This is where they are revealed and we can recognise them as a possibility to simply be witnessed rather than avoided resisted and swept under the carpet.

It’s in this way access to creativity emerges that was previously unavailable when personal identity became invested in a story that changed the trajectory of our life choices.

Breaking these patterns is integral to interrupt any outdated designs our personal lives have and on a larger level, the patterns in the world as well. We can replace our patterns of consumption, competition and comparison with love, authenticity and connection.

Resourcing enables us to far more deeply connect with who and what we care about most. In the Artist’s Way, by Julia Cameron, resourcing is similar to the Artist’s Date where she encourages us to court ourselves in inspiring and enlivening dates where our inner child can feel sparked.

How do you resource yourself? What creative ways do you find work for you and restore your felt sense of aliveness and joy for life. Feel free to leave a comment and share your responses below.