The New Paradigm

When the majority of the world is operating within the paradigm of fear and scarcity, it is a conscious choice that one makes to operate in new and inspiring ways. One that is dynamic and affirming of life. This new paradigm may appear to move against the current of...

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Harnessing Sexual Energy for Creativity

Can creative genius within each and every one of us be amplified? I believe so. Feeling closely into the energy of sexuality I have found that it is intimately associated with inspiration which fires the spark of creativity. Though subtle the links between sexuality...

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Embracing the Collective Unconscious

“Your value doesn't decrease based on someone's inability to see your worth.” - Author Unknown It’s amazing to see in current political situations globally that lives seem to matter less when financial concerns get in the way of humanitarian rights. Take for instance...

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Presence is Inclusive

Being in service in the world comes naturally as a byproduct of growth and evolution. Inevitably in the process there is an intermittent forgetting, a stumbling and the encountering of mistakes which are poignant and cathartic parts of the journey. 

Whilst there is nothing wrong with aiming for excellence, ease and grace only arrives as every aspect that comes with being human is deeply and intimately met. Honouring every step of the human journey is an inclusive experience. For it is the nature of the entire universe and space to include rather than to exclude all that rests inside of existence.

Potential lies not in the future vaguely out of reach but remains ever creative in the present. It is in this moment and an undying embrace awakens pure unbridled power. Whatever this moment carries, it’s depth and breadth lies in attentiveness as key factors in awakening one’s capacities in work, business, artistic creations and what underpins almost everything in life; relationships. 

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Engaging the Truth

In the journey of human evolution some areas in life often serve to act as triggers. These can often threaten a sense of self. Sometimes, the smallest issue causes a forgetfulness of truth. 

Each person has their own particular areas of strength and weakness. There is never anything wrong with personal triggers, nor in experiencing pain. These actually serve as catalysts for growth, confirming the presence of life and an opportunity to engage sensitivity with presence.

It is always important though, to watch that we don’t lose self to story. ‘I am no good,’ ‘This always happens to me,’ ‘I am hopeless,’ ‘I’ll never be successful,’ are examples of possible stories. To not catch reactions, triggers and stories for what they are can be a recipe for unnecessary pain.  When old patterns creep in, the greatest shift out of self defeating attitudes is the readiness to work with everything.

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Art as a Gateway to Presence

When an artist discovers his or her creative voice, an opening arrives borne from a quiet place of stillness. When there is a deep listening taking place, inspiration builds. In much the same way as when Isaac Newton lay down under an apple tree, he rested and...

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One of the biggest shifts I’ve witnessed is finding a sense of resilience in relating with others with a negative mindset. It can be challenging, particularly for empaths and introverts to not take on another persons energy. I’ve often become triggered into pessimism especially when I would shut myself down because I was in defence to what they were doing and how they were being. More and more I am able to maintain my flow, to let people be themselves without judgement and tune in to what really matters. This engenders a sense of trust, presence and a cultivation of openness.

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Rainbow Turtle, Golden Dolphin Almost Complete

Wow what a journey, all the artwork for the illustrated book  Rainbow Turtle, Golden Dolphin was just finished last weekend. Incredible! It’s been 3 years in the making and now it’s nearing completion.

This image on the left is from the last few final pages.

It represents a shift into a new way of living here on earth. The military can be seen discarding no longer needed weaponry and dismantling bombs that no longer serve a purpose.

Birds are flying out of the a bank building with the word economy written upon it, the door is a safe that is open. Symbolically representing a freed economy. An elephant is running free from a city zoo and all the people are migrating away from the city to return to live in nature. The hungry are fed and the poor are being given money.
People are now finding powerful ways to connect to the land and to themselves.

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Seeing Challenge as an Opportunity

Staying present in the journey remains paramount. There is nothing more valuable than persistence. Persistence of-course with flexibility. Without the two, I doubt the book would be coming to completion in the way that it is. 

Still anxiety visits. Thoughts about what’s next. The mind comes in and wants to know all the things to feel secure, to iron out any reasons for insecurity. Yet, there is only what can be taken care of in the present that supports a shift.

Anxiety arrives when I am not able to rest in the present. When my attention drifts into the future and wonders what may go wrong. Always, things flow when I let go and allow what serves to take place. 

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Love, Fear and Trust

There have been so many times when I had no idea of the outcome, no idea if what I wanted would happen or not, no guarantee that I would achieve and succeed in my dreams. It was then at that time that my beloved prompted me to trust. It was her that would encourage me to step outside my fears and drive out the demons of my pessimism born from my past disappointments. It was her who knocked on the doors of my heart to find the little child within weeping, curled up in foetal position, it was her that entered softly, gently, to tell him, “you are completely loved.” 

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