How Stillness Births Creativity

When much of societies dominant experience is to be busy, when life is so full of things, both material and intellectual, little room is left for awareness to access what truly matters. This drives our disconnection with nature. Our global environmental issues come...


Intuition 18 years ago I travelled to Northern QLD, Australia. I had just seen a psychic who recommended that I follow the call I had to travel north. The journey was incredible and eventuated in a sequence of beautiful synchronicities, wherever I went I just seemed...

Deep Listening

At times, I catch myself and find I’ve missed precious moments of life. Noticing this is a great step. It proves pivotal in getting to questions that support a shift. What’s really going on? Is it possible I’ve shutdown somewhere? Then begins the process of deep...

Creative Prowess

When free radical creative aspects required to accomodate inspiration and play are engaged productivity can be boosted.  Especially when linked with structure. 

Meeting Life Fully

You see, it is not control and resistance that brings us the fruits of life, it is inner surrender to what is that does so. It is about allowing and opening to life that welcomes in the new. If a seeking to control what is felt is occurring, if a seeking to manipulate and coerce life so that one can force one’s own agenda, it’s because life isn’t being trusted. At these times things have a funny way of reflecting back the same lack of trust.