Who Put the Extra o in God?

Generally I don’t live in gratitude, there is an idea that all this… is not enough, that I am not graced and that the mere act of being alive is not a miracle. Looking around and feeling the weight of the incredible power of living, how could I deny that this is not indeed a marvel? In this state, if I am to authentically observe the world, a new reality unfolds. I perceive my experiences and everything around me in wonderment. I find myself in receptivity. How subtle, this process is. It is as though the striving has dissolved and an innate sense of peace has arrived – from the mere state of being – with my self and my surroundings.


It has been quite some time since I have last Blogged. I have to say that the main reason why I began to Blog was principally to give my own life a sense of purpose. To commit myself to something worthwhile because essentially I felt that to be missing. So I yearned...

Sex, Creativity and Living Powerfully

Some people avoid the topic of sex and sexuality as a way to maintain a sense of social etiquette. What benefit is there in avoiding a part of life that created every single species on earth and without which our presence would never have occurred? Sex and sexuality...

From Struggle to Grace

A friend who is a passionate dancer shared with me something that truly switched a light on for me. He said if there is such a thing as God than surely you don’t need to struggle to do what you really love. When he said that something inside me shifted and I completely resonated with that. I gave up struggling. I shifted my perspective immediately.

Kirra Hill Art Bridge Exhibition

The amazing students from Kirra Hill Art Group, hosted by OnTrack are having a show to celebrate everything they have done. As the group has come to a close. Exhibition will be on Kirra Hill as of 9.30 am, Monday 15th of April to 5pm Sunday 25th of April.